Thu, Sep 15
7th Annual Conference of the Society for Research on Higher Education
CfP: 7th Annual Conference of the Society for Research on Higher Education New times – old strategies? Changes in demand for studies, students' needs and requirements for graduates
Timing and location
Sep 15, 2022, 10:00 AM – Sep 16, 2022, 7:00 PM
Vienna, Viena, Austria
About the event
Plase download the CfP here
How are the demands and needs of students and on the labour market changing? What does this mean in terms of innovative further development of the organisation and content of studies for universities, which are under pressure in the face of radical changes? What should be retained – possibly also against external resistance? These – exemplary – questions form the core of the Annual Conference of 2022, which will be presented and discussed in 2-3 tracks (one of them in English) and in plenary sessions. Impulses on the global challenges and examples of – also artistically driven – strategies will be contributed by the University of Applied Arts Vienna, especially at the beginning of the event. As every year, there will also be an open track, in which current research results can be presented independently of the theme of the annual conference. Please send submissions for empirical or theoretical presentations on the theme of the annual conference and the exemplary questions listed or for the open track in the form of abstracts (German or English) with a maximum of 700 words (references included) to by 22.07.2022.